Home > Safety, Security > REMINDER: DNS Changer Trojan

REMINDER: DNS Changer Trojan

One week from today, hundreds of thousands of computer users are going to learn the hard way that failing to keep a clean machine comes with consequences. On July 9, 2012, any systems still infected with the DNSChanger Trojan will be summarily disconnected from the rest of the Internet, and the latest reports indicate this malware is still resident on systems at 12 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and roughly four percent of U.S. federal agencies.

For some still infected with this trojan, this will be an inconvenience. For others, it will be a catastrophe. If you have a system that is connected to the Internet, and which plays a vital role in your business or personal use, you MUST act now to protect your interests!  This trojan is platform independent, which means both PC and Mac systems are affected.

According to Internet Identity, 12 percent of all Fortune 500 companies and four percent of “major” U.S. federal agencies are still infected (a link to Internet Identity’s full infographic is here). The latest stats from the DNSChanger Working Group, an industry consortium working to eradicate the malware, more than 300,000 systems are still infected.

In case you missed the earlier article with details regarding what DNS Changer is, how to determine if you are infected and removal (if found), CLICK HERE


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Categories: Safety, Security
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